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Phaindra Pandey

BD4FS Nepal Program Director

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Phaindra is an experienced professional in market development, private sector development, business development, project design, and monitoring and evaluation. For more than fifteen years, he has worked for market system development, trade and private sector development, entrepreneurship promotion, policy advocacy, export of Nepalese agriculture and forestry products, and economic recovery of disaster affected small and medium agricultural enterprises/cooperatives. He has garnered experience in saving lives, restoring livelihoods, food and nutrition security, and WASH and Shelter. He also worked to review sustainable development goals implementation in Nepal. He has worked for Agro Enterprise Center of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adam Smith International, ICCO Cooperation, and Catholic Relief Services. Before joining Food Enterprise Solutions, he was functioning as a Project Director for USAID farmer to farmer program. He holds master’s degrees in Business Studies from Tribhuvan University and in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He has worked in USAID, DFID, EU and Act Alliance funded programs in Nepal. 

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